Drive more revenue to your business with fresh data

efficiency Gorilla ROI

4.7 Rating, 12k+ Downloads, Trusted by Sellers

Use Case Highlights

Are You…?

  • Always in a time crunch?
  • Constantly frustrated with data access?
  • Having issues with decision-making?
  • Facing skill gap barriers?

This is For You

  • Create organized reports.
  • Create visual & detailed reports.
  • Easily generate data for teams.
  • Create stunning presentations.

Focus on Selling, Not Spreadsheets

With your data streamlined and actionable, you can free up your valuable time to do what you do best – connect with customers, optimize listings, and close deals.

Seamless Integration
Automatic Categorization
Up to Date Data
Get Access TODAY
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3 2 Gorilla ROI

Focus on Selling, Not Spreadsheets

With your data streamlined and actionable, you can free up your valuable time to do what you do best – connect with customers, optimize listings, and close deals.

  • Up-to-Date Data
  • Automatic Categorization
  • Seamless Integration
Get Access TODAY
7 Gorilla ROI

Empower Your Business

Empower your business with intuitive dashboards and self-service analytics tools, enabling everyone from executives to frontline employees to gain valuable insights from the data.

  • Profit at a Glance
  • Seamless Collaboration
  • Track Trends
  • Compare Periods
Get Access TODAY
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Ditch the Data Drudgery

Stop wrestling with spreadsheets and reports. Gorilla ROI seamlessly gathers all your key Amazon data, from sales figures and inventory levels to customer feedback.

  • Focus on Growth
  • Dynamic Dashboards
  • Automated Data Extraction
Get Access TODAY

Experience why our average user sells $3M a year on Amazon

You’re in good company with sophisticated, data-driven sellers

7 Gorilla ROI

Empower Your Business

Empower your business with intuitive dashboards and self-service analytics tools, enabling everyone from executives to frontline employees to gain valuable insights from the data.

Track Trends
Seamless Collaboration
Compare Periods
Profit at a Glance
Get Access TODAY

Ditch the Data Drudgery

Stop wrestling with spreadsheets and reports. Gorilla ROI seamlessly gathers all your key Amazon data.

Focus on Growth
Automated Data Extraction
Dynamic Dashboards
Get Access TODAY
16 1 Gorilla ROI

Getting Started is Easy


Install the Google Sheets addon

Over 12k downloads and rated 4.7 stars, our tool is the top choice.


Connect to Amazon Seller Central

Connect your seller accounts to Gorilla ROI. Works for all marketplaces.


That’s it! Start the import process

No commitment necessary. 30 days money back guarantee.

Google Marketplace Reviews

Ready to unlock the power of your Amazon data?

Automatically sync your Amazon data to Google Sheets 24/7.
Reduce operating costs, scale easier and work smarter.