Keeping Your Seller Data Private and Secure

Our pledge to keep your seller data private and secure


We Are Paranoid About Seller Protection

As an Amazon seller, you have a lot to worry about than just operations. Legitimate fears of sellers include:

  1. Amazon banning your account
  2. Having your products knocked off
  3. Your data being used by other companies

We can’t control #1 and #2, but we do everything we can to protect you from #3 when using our services.

Our goal is for you to succeed. We believe that’s the only way Gorilla ROI can succeed.

We never share your data or sell it to a 3rd party. We are simply the middleman between your Amazon account and your data.


How We Protect Your Data

Before Gorilla ROI, our company used to run an investment software for over ten years. Financial data is susceptible and personal; we protected it for over a decade. We aren’t just an overnight company. We bring all of our expertise from financial security to your Amazon data.

We do not permanently store the data from Amazon to our data integrations. We do not save your data into a cloud backup for it to be copied forever and ever. We cache data for the time required for us to serve you efficiently. We do this using encrypted caches with a short life. We fully encrypt all data that flows through us from end-to-end using TLS and hashing algorithms.

Connections to your Amazon account and API and from our servers to other destinations like Google Sheets are fully encrypted by default. We do retain your customer access tokens to fetch data at your request or your schedule. These credentials are securely stored and encrypted. We may also retain data such as custom field metadata or account names required for our service to validate and operate for you.

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We regularly review and improve our data security to use the best practices suggested by Amazon and Google to access and store your data.

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Secure MySQL & Hosting

Your data is stored in a secure MySQL database which is monitored for attacks, intrusion and regularly updated for security.

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Encrypted + Hashing

All connections to any of our services is encrypted end-to-end using TLS plus a hashing algorithm. Data to Google Sheets is also encrypted.

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Delete Upon Request

If you cancel your subscription, you may ask for immediate cleanup of all your stored data on our server and databases.

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Never Ask for Passwords

We never request your Amazon credentials. We access your data with a secure Amazon token that you control from your account.

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Siloed Data

Your Amazon data is accessible only to you. People outside of your organization cannot see or find your products or data.

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Your Data. Now and forever.

We never share your data or sell your data to any individual or service.


Frequently Asked Question


We never sell any of your data.

We do not allow any third party or anyone without authorized access privileges anywhere near your data.

We have also placed multiple barriers and systems in place to encrypt, hash, password protect and block unauthorized access wherever possible.

Your data is used by you (or your company) alone.

Although Gorilla ROI and Google Sheets has access to your data, it is a passive usage in order to facilitate the usage. We collect and organize the data for you to use alone.

Many sellers rightly fear that software companies will steal products and compete against sellers. We do NOT analyze your sales and reports on a personal level. Data analysis is simply done on an aggregate level by machines.

Unfortunately, that is not possible unless you manually download and store the csv exports and other files on your computer.

In order to pull data from Amazon, some sort of software must be used and there will always be a middle layer.


Unlike other sites, we comply with EU GDPR and apply it to all our users.

If you cancel and want to have your data deleted, submit a ticket and we will wipe it out.

You’ve never seen or heard of us so it’s natural to be hesitant.

We aren’t new to this. We created and ran oldschoolvalue.com, an investment software since 2008 before selling it. We’ve spent a decade dealing with highly complex and sensitive financial and investment-related data. We take data fidelity and integrity seriously.

No. All data is accessed and calculated by our servers and software. No person accesses or manually reviews data unless specifically requested by you.

Ready to unlock the power of your Amazon data?

Automatically sync your Amazon data to Google Sheets 24/7.
Reduce operating costs, scale easier and work smarter.