GORILLA_SBHIGHACOSSEARCHTERM() – Get Advertising Brand search term with high acos

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SBHIGHACOSSEARCHTERM(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”) =GORILLA_SBHIGHACOSSEARCHTERM(“TOY STORE”, “Last Month”, “US”, B4:B215) =GORILLA_SBHIGHACOSSEARCHTERM(“TOY STORE”, “Last Month”, “US”, B4:B215 , , , , “DUMP”) Syntax Description Description: Get Advertising Brand search term with high acos Syntax: =GORILLA_SBHIGHACOSSEARCHTERM(sellerId, [period], [marketplace], [prod], [campaign], [adgroup], [datapoint], [output], [start_date], [end_date], [header]) Seller ID – REQUIREDSeller account or Nickname to work…

GORILLA_SPSPENDPRODHIST() – Advertising Spend Product History

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SPSPENDPRODHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDPRODHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, $A$1:$A$100) =GORILLA_SPSPENDPRODHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, $A$1:$A$1000, “BOTTLESMALL”) Syntax Description Description: Advertising Spend Product History. Syntax: GORILLA_SPSPENDPRODHIST(sellerId, [period], [marketplace], [prod], [days], [sort], [start_date], [end_date], [transpose], [header]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account. PROD – OPTIONALSKU or ASIN to…

GORILLA_SPSPENDPROD() – Get total advertising spend of product between any period

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SPSPENDPROD(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDPROD(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, $A$1:$A$100) =GORILLA_SPSPENDPROD(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, $A$1:$A$1000, “BOTTLESMALL”) Syntax Description Description: Get total advertising spend of product between any period. Syntax: GORILLA_SPSPENDPROD(sellerId, [period], [marketplace], [prod], [campaign], [adgroup], [output], [start_date], [end_date]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account. PROD –…

GORILLA_SPSPENDKEYWORDHIST() – Advertising Spend Keyword History

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SPSPENDKEYWORDHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDKEYWORDHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDKEYWORDHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, “BOTTLESMALL”) Syntax Description Description: Advertising Spend Keyword History Syntax: GORILLA_SPSPENDKEYWORDHIST(sellerId, [period], [marketplace], [keyword], [campaign], [adgroup] [days], [sort], [start_date], [end_date], [transpose], [header]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account. PERIOD – OPTIONALPredefined period to get…

GORILLA_SPSPENDKEYWORD() – Get total advertising spend of keywords between any period

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SPSPENDKEYWORD(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDKEYWORD(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDKEYWORD(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, “BOTTLESMALL”) Syntax Description Description: Get total advertising spend of keywords between any period. Syntax: GORILLA_SPSPENDKEYWORD(sellerId, [period], [marketplace], [campaign], [adgroup], [keyword], [start_date], [end_date], [header]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account. PERIOD – OPTIONALPredefined period…

GORILLA_SPSPENDGROUPHIST() – Advertising Spend Group History

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SPSPENDGROUPHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDGROUPHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDGROUPHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, “BOTTLESMALL”) Syntax Description Description: Advertising Spend Group History. Syntax: GORILLA_SPSPENDGROUPHIST(sellerId, [period], [marketplace], [campaign], [adgroup] [days], [sort], [start_date], [end_date], [transpose], [header]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account. PERIOD – OPTIONALPredefined period to get ads…

GORILLA_SPSPENDGROUP() – Get total advertising spend of adgroup between any period

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SPSPENDGROUP(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDGROUP(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDGROUP(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, “BOTTLESMALL”) Syntax Description Description: Get total advertising spend of adgroup between any period Syntax: GORILLA_SPSPENDGROUP(sellerId, [period], [marketplace], [campaign], [adgroup], [output], [start_date], [end_date], [header]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account. PERIOD – OPTIONALPredefined period…

GORILLA_SPSPENDCAMPAIGNHIST() – Advertising Spend Campaign History

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SPSPENDCAMPAIGNHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDCAMPAIGNHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDCAMPAIGNHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, “BOTTLESMALL”) Syntax Description Description: Advertising Spend Campaign History. Syntax: GORILLA_SPSPENDCAMPAIGNHIST(sellerId, [period], [marketplace], [campaign], [days], [sort], [start_date], [end_date], [transpose], [header]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account. PERIOD – OPTIONALPredefined period to get ads data…

GORILLA_SPSALESPRODHIST() – Advertising Sales Product History

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SPSALESPRODHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_SPSALESPRODHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, $A$1:$A$100) =GORILLA_SPSALESPRODHIST(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, $A$1:$A$1000, “BOTTLESMALL”) Syntax Description Description: Advertising Sales Product History. Syntax: GORILLA_SPSALESPRODHIST(sellerId, [period], [marketplace], [prod], [campaign], [adgroup], [datapoint], [days], [sort], [start_date], [end_date], [transpose], [header]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account. PROD – OPTIONALSKU…

GORILLA_SPSPENDCAMPAIGN() – Get total advertising spend of campaign between any period

Sample Usage =GORILLA_SPSPENDCAMPAIGN(“TOY STORE”, “2023”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDCAMPAIGN(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”) =GORILLA_SPSPENDCAMPAIGN(“TOY STORE”, “2023”, “US”, “BOTTLESMALL”) Syntax Description Description: Get total advertising spend of campaign between any period. Syntax: GORILLA_SPSPENDCAMPAIGN(sellerId, [period], [marketplace], [campaign], [output], [start_date], [end_date], [header]) Seller ID – REQUIREDEnter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account. PERIOD – OPTIONALPredefined period to…