How to Track Whether You Are Winning or Losing the Buy Box

Another function has been released: BUYBOXWINNER() will quickly and easily show you whether you are winning the buy box of your listing.

As always, we update documentation consistently and in multiple locations to make it easy to find.

  1. Official page of all the functions we support
  2. Website documentation for easier navigation
see supported functions gorillaroi Gorilla ROI

Quickly see if you are winning or losing the buy box

Another basic requirement is to know when another seller has taken over the buy box or a hijacker has taken over.

aamzon buy box

We have other buy box functions such as:

  • BuyBoxOffers – Get the list of sellers competing for the buy box
  • BuyBoxPrice – Get the current winning buy box price

BuyBoxWinner() is a simple version that will display whether you are the “winner” or “loser” of the buy box.

This is one example of how you can use it.

amazon buy box winner status
Amazon buy box winner status per SKU or ASIN

🗣️ Pro Tip: Ongoing updates ensure documentation accessibility across platforms.


buyboxwinner function menu Gorilla ROI
GORILLA_BUYBOXWINNER(sku, [marketplace])

Easiest example:


This simple example will display “winner” or “loser” for each of the SKUs or ASINs listed from A1 to A100 for the US marketplace.

You can enter the marketplace like “US” or if you leave it out, it will use your default marketplace.



Detect hijackers with BuyBoxWinner

The most obvious benefit with knowing whether you are winning or losing the buy box is if you sell your own custom product and a hijacker takes over your listing.

Add some color formatting like the screenshot above and you can quickly detect changes.

To see other functions and examples, visit the functions page for all the features we support.


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