Profit & Inventory Dashboard

Get a quick overview of the inventory status and profit for a SKU. Share it with the team, save it as a PDF for clients, or report to your boss without messy data.

4.7 Rating, 12k+ Downloads, Trusted by Sellers

Getting Started is Easy


Install the Google Sheets addon

Over 12k downloads and rated 4.7 stars, our tool is the top choice.


Connect to Amazon Seller Central

Connect your seller accounts to Gorilla ROI. Works for all marketplaces.


That’s it! Start the import process

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Key Features & Benefits

profit insight 1 Gorilla ROI

Granular Profit Insights

Your secret weapon to master inventory, maximize profit, and impress anyone with a bird’s-eye view of your Amazon business.

Track Inventory
Custom Reports
Export in PDF
Profit Optimization
profit insight 1 Gorilla ROI

Granular Profit Insights

Your secret weapon to master inventory, maximize profit, and impress anyone with a bird’s-eye view of your Amazon business.

  • Track Inventory
  • Custom Reports
  • Export in PDF
  • Profit Optimization
Get Access TODAY
powerful inisght Gorilla ROI

Visual Storytelling

Instantly grasp critical information like available inventory, sales velocity, current profit margin, and key fees, all displayed beautifully in one comprehensive dashboard.

  • Effortless Overview
  • Ditch the Data Dump
  • Real-Time Updates
Get Access TODAY
gamechanger Gorilla ROI

A Game-Changer for your Amazon Business

Connect your Seller Central account and watch the dashboard populate instantly with fresh data.

  • Real-Time Updates
  • Effortless Collaboration
  • Easy Setup
  • Profit Optimization
Get Access TODAY

Experience why our average user sells $3M a year on Amazon

You’re in good company with sophisticated, data-driven sellers

Visual Storytelling

Instantly grasp critical information like available inventory, sales velocity, current profit margin, and key fees, all displayed beautifully in one comprehensive dashboard.

Effortless Overview
Ditch the Data Dump
Real-Time Updates
presentation Gorilla ROI
gamechanger Gorilla ROI

A Game-changer for your Amazon business

Connect your Seller Central account and watch the dashboard populate instantly with fresh data.

Effortless Collaboration
Real-Time Updates
Easy Setup
Profit Optimization

Check Our Other Templates

Lifetime access, zero fees. Ready-made spreadsheets. We have added all the Gorilla ROI formulas for automation, formatting, advanced queries, and dashboards.

Ready to unlock the power of your Amazon data?

Reduce operational costs, and automatically sync your Amazon data to Google Sheets 24/7