How to Load FBA Inventory Data into Google Sheets

Gorilla ROI helps you eliminate most of the manual csv and xlsx downloading, formatting and sorting that you go through with Amazon inventory reports.

One of the core functions with Gorilla ROI is that you can connect and load FBA inventory data into Google Sheets.

First, read the getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the setup and installation.

I know you want to jump in headfirst and wing it, but there’re important aspects if you don’t want Google limiting your account or seeing errors in your sheets.

Once the plugin is installed and you’ve entered your correct credentials then you can move on to preparing your spreadsheet.

The methods described in this article assumes you have:

  1. already installed the Gorilla Sheets addon
  2. connected to your Amazon seller account
  3. data has fully loaded (1-6hours depending on your size)

The basics

First thing is to load your ASIN or SKU’s in bulk to make the work easier.

Follow this complete guide on how to get Amazon ASIN, SKU or FNSKU. This way, you can load data in bulk without having to manually enter every SKU or ASIN you need data for. A single formula will list your entire FBA inventory of SKUs or ASINs.

Here’s a summary of what you can do with ASINs, SKUs and FNSKUs using Gorilla ROI.

Bulk load ASIN:


Bulk get Amazon SKUs:


Convert SKU to ASIN or ASIN to SKU


How to use Gorilla ROI to load FBA inventory data

The beauty with Google sheets is that it opens up a world of flexibility when you gain direct access to your FBA data.

The function we’ll be looking at today is:

gorilla inventory Gorilla ROI

How to get FBA InStock inventory data

Keeping items in stock is a no brainer. You can get this data from the inventory in stock report, but it becomes a chore when all you need is a quick way to look at the numbers.

The Inventory In Stock report provides inventory metrics on your active listings with two or more sales in the past 60 days. This report provides information on various inventory metrics, including Estimated Lost Sales, Estimated Days of Cover, and Average Unit Sales per Week. You can personalize and interact with your report by sorting columns and applying filters, and you can also replenish your inventory directly from the report.
Source (Amazon Seller Central Forum)

With Gorilla ROI added and activated, you can check your FBA inventory in stock report, by using a formula like this:


In this example I’m using Gorilla ROI to pull inventory data from Amazon using these parameters:

  1. “ASIN123123” – the ASIN I want to review. You can use closed ranges like A1:A1000 to bulk load data.
  2. “US” – limit the data to the US marketplace
  3. “instock” – show only the inventory with status “in stock”
Example of how to use the INVENTORY formula
Example of how to use the INVENTORY formula

Using my sample ASIN, the instock number results in 124 units.

This in-stock number is coming directly come from the Amazon account. We seamlessly provide you with your account data.

In the next example, I’ll use a specific range to pull FBA instock data. Using ranges is important if you have thousands of SKUs to call the data in one go. This makes it fast and does not overload Google Sheets.

Google will temporarily block your sheets if you hammer their servers with too many data requests in a short time.

Use closed ranges to list FBA data in bulk
Use closed ranges to list FBA data in bulk

I used A2:A5 which is the specific range of ASINs in column A. Gorilla ROI will then pull the data in bulk.

Do NOT do the following

  • =GORILLA_INVENTORY(A1000,”US”,”all”)

Do not use a single cell reference and then copy the formula down 1000 times.

Use closed ranges like A2:A1000. This allows you to get 1000 data points with 1 call. Not 1000 individual data calls.

If you use formulas like the ones above by referencing one at a time, Google will block your sheets for 24 hours as you will go over their data request limit.

How to Load Inbound FBA Inventory Data

Inbound means that your shipment has been recognized by Amazon as still being delivered. It can also mean your shipment has not been processed.

To get FBA Inbound data, use a formula like this:

=GORILLA_INVENTORY(A2:A5, "ALL", "inbound")
Loading FBA inbound inventory data to Sheets
Loading FBA inbound inventory data to Sheets

In cell C6, I typed the formula above to get the inbound data for the ASINs listed from A2 to A5.

Currently, these ASINs have no inventory inbound as it is a test account.

Note that you can also use this to pull the data from a single ASIN if you want. However, it is always better to use closed ranges.

Below I typed ASIN911CC to check inbound data for cell A5 only.

Getting inbound inventory for a single ASIN
Getting inbound inventory for a single ASIN

How to pull Transfer FBA inventory data

What’s an FBA inventory if the status is transfer?

Transfer status means your shipment is being transferred from one fulfillment center to another. This is done to place your products in the fulfillment center closest to where the customer is.

To get your FBA inventory transfer numbers, use this formula:

=GORILLA_INVENTORY("ASIN123123", "US", "transfer")
Formula to load inventory transfer numbers
Formula to load inventory transfer numbers

You can use a range of ASINs to pull bulk inventory data.

=GORILLA_INVENTORY(A2:A5, "US", "transfer")
inventory transfer range

Do NOT do the following. Use closed ranges instead.

  • =GORILLA_INVENTORY(A2,”US”,”transfer”)
  • =GORILLA_INVENTORY(A3,”US”,”transfer”)
  • =GORILLA_INVENTORY(A4,”US”,”transfer”)
  • =GORILLA_INVENTORY(A1000,”US”,”transfer”)

Track Your FBA Inventory History to Detect Peak sales Periods

Another inventory function of Gorilla ROI is loading historical inventory data. You can pull and display your inventory history using granular, custom dates.

Here’s a screenshot of what the function looks like as you type in =GORILLA_INVENTORYHIST

gorilla inventoryhist 1 Gorilla ROI

Note that Gorilla ROI can only pull the data from the point when you sign up.

Amazon does not provide historical data. We only start tracking and storing inventory history once you become a paying Gorilla member.

Here’s an example of this formula:

=GORILLA_INVENTORYHIST("last 14 days", A2, "US", "instock")

The formula is similar to =gorilla_inventory() where you can check status like instock, inbound, transfer.

This time you can check inventory history by starting with:

  1. time period
  2. ASIN (or range)
  3. marketplace
  4. status

Here’s the time periods you can use for quick reference.

TodayThis monthLast 12 Months
YesterdayThis quarterLast 7 Days Week Ago
Same day last weekThis yearLast 7 Days Year Ago
Same day last monthThis Year-to-Last-MonthLast 30 Days Month Ago
Same day last yearLast WeekLast 30 Days Year Ago
my Last 7 DaysLast MonthLast Week Year Ago
Last 14 DaysLast QuarterLast Month Year Ago
Last 30 DaysLast YearYYYY-MM (change format to text)

Say I want to check inbound status and inventory history of ASIN123123 for this year.

The formula is:

=GORILLA_INVENTORYHIST("this year", "ASIN123123", "US", "inbound")
inventory history error

The result is an error because this test account does not have any historical data.

Here’s another look using our real seller account with sensitive information blurred out.

Click to enlarge.

Using INVENTORYHISTORY() to get historical inventory data
Using INVENTORYHISTORY() to get historical inventory data
  1. I pulled the inventory history of A10 to A15 only
  2. Data for inventory with the status “transfer” only
  3. For the time period – “this week”
  4. In the “us” marketplace

Do NOT do this with INVENTORYHIST()

Same thing again. Use closed ranges. Do not use a single cell reference and copy it thousands of times.

  • =GORILLA_INVENTORYHIST(“last 30 days”A2,”US”,”inbound”)
  • =GORILLA_INVENTORYHIST(“last 30 days”A3,”US”,”inbound”)
  • =GORILLA_INVENTORYHIST(“last 30 days”A4,”US”,”inbound”)
  • =GORILLA_INVENTORYHIST(“last 30 days”A1000,”US”,”inbound”)

Summing Up

With Gorilla ROI you can pull your FBA inventory data directly into Google Sheets without having to go through the manual chore of exporting, opening files and getting the data.

Use =GORILLA_INVENTORY() to get direct access to your FBA data and experience the flexibility and openness you gain to run your business.



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