Zapier Amazon Seller Central integration review and alternative

Looking to see how you can best make use of a Zapier Amazon Seller Central integration?

This is a review of the Zapier Amazon FBA connector, how we use it, and a better Zapier to Amazon alternative for your data needs.

What does the Zapier Amazon Seller Central integration support?

zapier seller central

Zapier is awesome.

We use it extensively in our FBA Amazon business to automate tasks that involved some sort of tedious manual process.

However, the main thing to understand is that Zapier is a collection of connectors. It makes it dead simple to connect and relay data from one app to another.

That’s why a lot of people use this Zapier to Amazon FBA integration to relay Amazon orders into different apps.

However, Zapier only supports getting Amazon order information. In other words, the Zapier seller central integration can only be triggered by a new order.

Nothing more.

If you only need to get your FBA order IDs and related data, then Zapier works great.

You can do things like:

  • Create new seller central orders to accounting software and create invoices
  • Add new seller central orders to Google Sheets
  • Send new FBA orders via email, Slack or other messaging platforms
  • Send new Amazon orders to a Trello board

However, this all changes in Feb 2020.

Zapier no longer supports detailed order information

Until now, Zapier was providing PII (Personally Identifiable Information) via their Amazon connection which is what you most likely wanted and needed.

Things like customer name, address, shipping zip codes, phone numbers and anything else related to the order that could be identifiable.

  • To create invoices, you need this information.
  • To create a database of sales, you need this information.
  • To track order information, you need this data.

Starting Feb 2020, this data is not available via Zapier’s connection to Amazon.

Unfortunately, it makes Zapier’s seller central integration obsolete as this was the only information available through their connection. Now, the default information coming through Zapier is very limited.

Here’s an example of the before and after.

BEFORE: Zapier seller central results

  • Amazon Order ID – yes
  • purchase date – yes
  • order status – yes
  • shipping address name – yes
  • shipping address – yes
  • shipping city – yes
  • shipping country – yes
  • shipping state – yes
  • shipping postal code – yes
  • shipping phone – yes
  • order currency – yes
  • order total – yes
  • number of items – yes
  • buyer name – yes

AFTER: Zapier’s results with new seller central connection

  • Amazon Order ID – yes
  • purchase date – yes
  • order status – no
  • shipping address name – no
  • shipping address – no
  • shipping city – yes
  • shipping country – no
  • shipping state – yes
  • shipping postal code – yes
  • shipping phone – no
  • order currency – yes
  • order total – yes
  • number of items – yes
  • buyer name – no

These new changes will wipe out the automated tasks you created with seller central and Zapier.

  • No longer can create invoices for new orders
  • No longer can send order information to quickbooks to track COGS
  • No longer can verify purchases and customer support quickly by checking against names
  • No longer can check whether the buyer is sending it to somebody else
  • No longer can create a new order in shipping software (have to ask the customer for the address through a direct message)

Amazon marketplaces supported by Zapier

Amazon is spreading their website quickly throughout the world and opening up in countries like United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Australia and more.

Zapier does not support any of these regions.

Only the USA marketplace is supported. If you sell in other regions, you will not be able to get the data.

Zapier Amazon FBA alternative for Google Sheets

gorilla roi amazon google sheets integration
gorilla roi amazon google sheets integration

A lot of our FBA business work lives inside spreadsheets as we create reports, calculate projections, organize orders, share with our employees and email non-sensitive data with our suppliers.

If your main goal of using Zapier was to send it to Google sheets, and you need more than just FBA order data, Gorilla ROI is the best Zapier Seller Central alternative there is.

Gorilla ROI marketplaces supported

gorilla sheets amazon seller addon 05 marketplaces Gorilla ROI

We support all the marketplaces.

✅ Canada
✅ Mexico
✅ Brazil
✅ United Kingdom
✅ Germany
✅ France
✅ Spain
✅ Italy
✅ Japan
✅ Australia
✅ Indian
✅ Singapore
✅ United Arab Emirates

We are quick to support new marketplaces that are launched by Amazon.

Alternative features to Zapier Seller Central

google sheets marketplace gorilla sheets Gorilla ROI

Unlike Zapier’s visual method of connecting to seller central, we take a basic and raw approach by giving you full control over your seller central data.

Here’s a Gorilla ROI review that goes deep into the details and clearly shows how it works.

Our core competency is to let you pull in your seller data directly into Google Sheets.

  • No code required
  • No logging in to websites
  • Use a spreadsheet formula to pull what you want

Everything is based on using regular spreadsheet formulas and functions.

If you know how to use a spreadsheet formula like =AVERAGE(A1:A100), then you are qualified to use Gorilla ROI as your connect to seller central.

If you are familiar with vlookup(), match(), index(), then you will master Gorilla ROI in no time.

We have many functions that you can use for specific or general needs.

Functions we support

Our full list of Google Sheets Seller Central functions continues to grow.

The top 3 most used by our FBA sellers are the following.

1. Pull ASIN or SKU in bulk

=GORILLA_ASINLIST() to bulk list your ASIN
=GORILLA_ASINLIST() to bulk list your ASIN

Type =GORILLA_ASINLIST() and you can load all your ASINs directly into Google sheets.


=GORILLA_SKULIST to bulk get Amazon SKU's
=GORILLA_SKULIST to bulk get Amazon SKU’s

You can also convert a SKU to an ASIN or FNSKU and vice versa.

gorilla skuasin Gorilla ROI

2. Sales count by SKU and time period

A huge headache is trying to get your sales data by SKU and over different time periods.

To do this manually, you have to generate a report for every time period you need to analyze.

With our Seller Central integration, you can do it on the fly.

Use the formula =GORILLA_SALESCOUNT()

get sales count between any period

We support the following time periods.

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Same day last week
  • Same day last month
  • Same day last year
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 14 Days
  • Last 30 Days
  • This Week
  • This Month
  • This Quarter
  • This Year
  • This Year-to-Last-Month
  • Last Week
  • Last Month
  • Last Quarter
  • Last Year
  • Last 60 Days
  • Last 12 Months
  • Last 7 Days Week Ago
  • Last 7 Days Year Ago
  • Last 30 Days Month Ago
  • Last 30 Days Year Ago
  • Last Week Year Ago
  • Last Month Year Ago
  • YYYY-MM (change format to text)
  • custom

You can cut, slice and dice your data any way you want it to get a true picture of your business for any SKU, ASIN and time period.

3. Inventory data

The benefit of having inventory data at your fingertips is to make sure you don’t go out of stock.

Get your inventory data using =GORILLA_INVENTORY().

seller central integration for inventory data
seller central integration for inventory data

Amazon’s figures are usually 1 day delayed.

Other Amazon seller software delay the data by 1 or even 2 days.

By loading your data directly inside Google sheets, you can feed your spreadsheets with accurate data and know that your decisions will be timely.

Putting it all together

Why does all this matter when you have your current Zapier and seller central integration?

The following are screenshots of the reporting spreadsheets and models that we use in our FBA business to stay on top.

Rather than spend thousands to hire a developer for mobile app development and to create internal tools, we are very agile and can create “spreadsheet apps” that are operational quickly and add value immediately.

Seasonal sales and inventory forecast calculator
Seasonal sales and inventory forecast calculator

We can calculate and project inventory based on past 2 years of sales and inventory.

This spreadsheet alerts us of inventory that we need to replenish.

inventory sheet screen

We can track our sales performance over different periods to understand where the business is. If the sales are lower than in the previous period, we can identify it and see what the cause is.

FBA sales performance dashboard
FBA sales performance dashboard

If you are looking for a Zapier Amazon seller central alternative, try out Gorilla ROI.


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