Sample Usage
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
=GORILLA_COMPETITIVEPRICE("TOY STORE", A1:A1000, , "FullWithHeader", "LandedPrice")
Syntax description

Get the current competitive price for your SKU or ASIN
GORILLA_COMPETITIVEPRICE(Seller ID, sku, [marketplace], [returnStyle], [priceType)
Enter the seller ID or nickname you entered in your Gorilla account.
SKU or ASIN of the product. Use arrays and ranges like A1:A1000 to bulk load data. See examples below. If a range of SKU is used in the formula, it will display the buy box price only.
marketplace – OPTIONAL
Marketplace filter. Use Default for the seller default. Other valid values are country codes US, DE, etc.
returnStyle – OPTIONAL
Format of the results returned. Default is price for the lowest competitive for each SKU/ASIN provided. If full is specified, a table with all results found and details is returned. If fullWithheader is specified, an additional header line is added before the results for reference.
priceType – OPTIONAL
Type of price to return. Default is ListingPrice. Other Valid values are: LandedPrice, ShippingPrice or ‘TradeInValuePrice’. This parameter is ignored when returnStyle is full
- LandedPrice – Displays the results based on the LandedPrice of the SKU that is entered in Seller Central
- ListingPrice – Displays the results based on the ListingPrice of the SKU that is entered in Seller Central
- ShippingPrice – Displays the results based on the ShippingPrice of the SKU that is entered in Seller Central
- TradeInValuePrice – Displays the results based on the TradeInValuePrice of the SKU that is entered in Seller Central
🚨 Use ranges (e.g.A2:A1000) in your formula wherever possible for quicker results and to prevent Google from blocking your account for 24 hrs due to overloading their resources.
Returns a list of prices only where A1:A1000 is the list of SKUs or ASINs.
Returns the competitive prices only for all SKUs in A1:A1000. Pulls from the US and displays a full table with headers.
=GORILLA_COMPETITIVEPRICE("TOY STORE", A1:A1000, , "FullWithHeader", "LandedPrice")
Returns the competitive price for the list of SKU or ASIN in the default marketplace because no marketplace is defined. Looking up landed price with a full table with header.
If only the SKU or ASIN is entered, it will display the price for that single product only.